“When My Time Comes” Book Launch
“When My Time Comes,” Diane Rehm’s companion book to our new documentary, is being released today, February 4, in book stores and online outlets everywhere. Last night, Diane was inte [...]
Why I Wanted to Make This Film (Part 3): How It Came Together
Part 3 of a 3-Part Series. “Long-time listener, first-time caller.” – Opening line from thousands of people who phoned in to The Diane Rehm Show Like pretty much everybody in the Was [...]
Why I Wanted to Make This Film (Part 2): A New – and Controversial – Issue Enters the Mainstream
Part 2 of a 3-Part Series. “Right now, it’s a choice that’s only available to some Americans, which is really unethical.” – Brittany Maynard, speaking to People Magazine about medi [...]